My ability to think creatively to dislodge conventions, my passion to empower businesses with technology tools, my aptitude to forge strong global relationships, and the initiatives I have taken towards community building, make me a deserving candidate for scholarships offered to NTU MBA students.

In this era of digitization, where internet is becoming faster, cities are turning smarter and cars are going driverless, it is the underlying network that is driving this unprecedented transformation. With my rich experience at Cisco, a world-class leader in building networks, I am excited to enable and equip my peers at NTU, with the right skillset, and mindset to drive such transformations. I will augment the learning of my cohort by inviting experts from Cisco, who can share their experiences of the current era of digitization and where the future lies.

Being an innate problem-solver, I thrive on challenges. My ability to think out of the box and innovate in the most conventional business lines such as Bid Management/Pre-Sales is what sets me apart. My award winning innovations, leveraging cognitive capabilities, transformed Cisco’s Pre-Sales process by reducing the cycle-time by almost 80% along with commensurate cost savings. I aim to inculcate similar culture of innovation in the classroom and encourage my classmates to foster unconventional thinking.

Building on my experiences at Cisco, I have positioned tech-solutions to Micro-Small-and-Medium-Enterprises(MSMEs) that are struggling to adopt latest technology due to limited resources.  As a pro-bono consultant, I have provided cost-effective tech-solutions for collaboration solutions, Enterprise planning and process improvement. I am excited to contribute through case studies focussing on the Asian economy and ways to promote sustainability in the region.

Working closely with various NGOs has instilled in me a strong sense of community. Through social awareness programmes at NTU, I intend to share my experiences of facilitating employment for the differently-abled and spreading awareness on how hiring such people can be profitable for businesses. I also intend to enhance the impact of the training that I provide to rural school children in India. By leveraging Sichuan Service Learning Project and Project MYCamp organized by NTU’s QFASC, I would continue to mentor and train children coming from varied backgrounds, including disadvantaged groups.

Lastly, I am confident that I will continue my contributions towards the school by acting as mentor for prospective applicants and also forging stronger partnerships between the institute and the corporates I will get associated with.

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