Online MBA

Learning together even when we are apart

Suitable for independent learners who prefer self-directed study in which they set the pace for course completion.

What's in it?​

This is also a type of part time MBA, which allows you to take classes online and is less time intensive since coursework can be completed at one’s own pace. This is cheaper than other forms of MBA as travel, living, and lodging costs are saved. However, studying for an online MBA entails high levels of self-discipline and time management.

Who Should Consider​

If you’re a working professional who cannot devote time for full time, evening, or weekend classes, this is the best option for you.


Program Requirements

Eligibility, Tenure and flexibility

Top Picks
Warwick Business School
IE Business School
Alliance Manchester Business School
Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
Oxford Brookes University Business School

Specialized Services for Specific Programs

We help you get into the program of your choice

If you are seeking a general management degree relatively early in your professional life to get a holistic business picture.

If you have significant management and leadership experience and want to hold onto a full time job while earning a management degree.

If you are in the final year of your undergrad or have just started working, and want to get a bird’s eye view of business principles in less than a month

If you want to become a domain expert in a particular industry / vertical


If you want to hold onto your job while gaining MBA degree, but don’t have a lot of leadership experience at work.

If you have an established family business and you want to gain management exposure to take the business to the next level.

Suitable for independent learners who prefer self-directed study in which they set the pace for course completion.

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Shouvick Ray



Vatsal Madan

Data Analytics


Ashutosh Kumar



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Cyber Security

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