Please use this space to explain significant improvements in your profile since your last application to the ISB PGP. Note: It is mandatory for you to write this essay.

Over the last 1 year, I have made conscious efforts to come closer to my long-term career goals, successfully handled a challenging work assignment, and overcame one of my biggest fears.

In my endeavor to transition into Product Management, I completed the Scrum management certification and applied the learnings at work. In May 2022, my company Sentio (SO), got acquired by Alphasense(AS) as part of market consolidation. As the scrum master, I led a mid-sized team for JIRA migration. I worked closely with my counterpart to come up with the 5-year QA roadmap of the joint AS-SO entity. 

At SO, I part of an 18 member QA team, while in AS-SO, the team size is 60. Besides the bigger team, the release processes, the tools, and frameworks, the documentation standards, reporting structure were vastly different. To ensure a seamless integration, I along with my immediate manager had to maintain a fine balance between speed, compliances, team dynamics, reporting practices etc. 

Since childhood, I always wanted to Scuba dive to experience the living world under the seas, but never developed courage to learn swimming. However, I have broken this mental block by enrolling for swimming classes and will soon fulfill my dream.

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