What would be your next step in terms of position if you were to remain in the same company?

If I continue to work in my present company, in a year’s time, I will be promoted to the post of Senior DevOps Engineer, and in four years, to Development Manager. In these new challenging roles, apart from managing the Operations Team from different geographies, I will interact with more customers, work closely with the pre-sales and sales teams to identify potential clients, and take key decisions regarding product strategies. 

I also want to do an in-depth competition analysis, and introduce product innovations, integrating advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, ML and 5G. Accelerating operational excellence, implementing multiple projects, and being responsible for a P&L of USD 20 MN, are all on my radar! 

To foster a ‘One Team’ culture, I plan to streamline the multiple product teams in SAP under one umbrella, empowering talent, nurturing and developing skills, and harmonizing cloud operations in terms of processes, monitoring, and crisis management. 

In the upcoming years, I will be working more as an R&D specialist, and leading bigger technology teams from SAP and its partners/service-providers. However, since my primary aim is to develop an acumen for business strategies and lead my organization to greater success, doing an MBA becomes imperative for me.

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